Proverbs 14:16 says

the wise are cautious and avoid danger; fools plunge ahead with reckless confidence” (NLT).

When I first read this verse I had issue with it, because as a follower of Christ in a broken world I figured that avoiding danger is impossible. I thought of countless times I could have been accused of using my confidence in Christ to plunge recklessly into activities trying to make a difference in the world.

So, I was a little perplexed. And, I did what I often do when reading scripture, I explored several different translations. Here is what I found in the New King James:

A wise man fears and departs from evil, but a fool rages and is self-confident.”  ‭(NKJV)

As I read the NKJV, I thought how different “departing from evil” sounds from “avoiding danger.”

I liked the use of “self-confident” also, because I thought it described better the recklessness of relying on self rather than on God’s calling to make an impact as His people.

I say all this to say, we have to be very careful to really get to the root of what God is saying to us in His word. Because, we have all seen way too many followers of Christ become slow to do anything, which leads them almost inevitably down the road of disobedience.

I am preaching to the choir here, but it seems like maybe we can be so “cautious” that we become comfortable. When this happens, we get to a place where we can’t imagine God putting us in difficult or dangerous situations.

It is like we are so concerned about not appearing reckless that we lose our confidence to obey Him in faith. I don’t want to appear to be reckless, but God knows I want to be fearless, faithful and obedient.

The wise, the fearless, and the faithful are needed in the public schools more than ever. I praying that theschool near you will look different because of your faith to make an impact in this world.

Faith Tampa Bay exists to help you on this mission. Let’s praise God for our opportunity to partner together, and let’s do something!

— Jody (JP) Clouse