There was a time back at the beginning of the story of Joseph (Genesis 37) where his brothers hated his dreams of one day him being over them.

Now, 20+ years later after being sold by his own brothers into slavery, falsely accused of a crime and imprisoned as guilty, Joseph, through God’s amazing positioning has become second in command of the super power of the world at that time.

Later, when Joseph’s brothers are in their moment of biggest need, trying to survive, feed their families and their livestock, look at Joseph’s words.

“Now do not be distressed or angry with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me ahead of you to save life and preserve our family” ‭‭(Genesis‬ ‭45‬:‭5‬).

We see this all throughout scripture, where God places people at just the right times with just the right resources to make an impact!

My question for you today is, “can you see it now?” Have you, like Joseph, realized God has positioned you where you’re at, through the good, the bad and the ugly in this time, for the impact in the lives of people around you?

When you have seen it, like Joseph, you will find that sharing the resources God has given you for the impact around you is the point, and not theproblem at all!

— Jody (JP) Clouse