Radiant Church Steps up for Blake High with a Teacher’s Lounge Makeover

Radiant Church is on board, and ready to make an impact with a teacher’s lounge make-over at Blake High School. They are estimating the need at $5,000 to create what they are dreaming for this space.

So, Radiant Church has committed to match all donations up to $2,500 and provide all the volunteers needed to make the project a reality!

When people ask, “What does Faith Tampa Bay do?” Here it is; it’s modeling the love of God by connecting local churches with local schools to serve in their needs. And, this new partnership with Radiant and Blake High School is such a great example of how our ministry is helping make a difference. Praise God.

Click on the video below to see Radiant Church’s Pastor Matt Blair and his tour with Principal Newton on the Blake campus.

Contact JP | (813) 665-0460