The Importance of Knowing your Seasons!

The Apostle Paul knew a little about sailing. He also knew something about the weather. Look how Luke chronicles part of their journey from Acts 27:7-9 —

“We had several days of slow sailing, and after great difficulty we finally neared Cnidus. But the wind was against us, so we sailed across to Crete and along the sheltered coast of the island, past the cape of Salmone. 8 We struggled along the coast with great difficulty and finally arrived at Fair Havens, near the town of Lasea. 9 We had lost a lot of time. The weather was becoming dangerous for sea travel because it was so late in the fall… “

The season to sail was quickly becoming the wrong season! The Creator of all weather, seasons and signs, was telling them so.

It is important to know the seasons you are moving in. It is a great thing to know God’s calling and His leading you in your life. But it is just as important to know the seasons in which He would have you move in your calling.

Have you walked through a season of life where God was giving you all kinds of signs to slow your sail before you wreck yourself?

As a famous poet, once said, “check yourself, before your wreck yourself!”

Ok… maybe not a poet, but not bad advice!

Just like Paul, The Lord is leading you in a particular direction.

Three things: 1) know the seasons of life you are moving in, 2) ask God often for His leading through His word and for His leading through wise, godly council, and 3) listen in faith to the Creator of All, who knows the right move for you in this season.

As spring turns to summer, we are happy look back at the month of May, as we walked through open doors. We helped local schools celebrate their teachers in appreciation for all they do. We celebrated students with incentive parties, and 5th Grade Graduation banquets!

Praise God, we even had an opportunity to serve in a 5th Grade celebration in Pinellas County school. We are excited about new opportunities opening up to serve more there!

As we move into summer, I want to stress that summer is not a slow time for ministry, but it does create a different kind of opportunity for ministry. It is a time when principals, some assistant principals and administrators are at their schools Monday through Thursday. This gives us a great opportunities to connect, to build relationships and dream / plan for impact in the coming fall.

Thank you for your prayers for these meetings. We greatly appreciate it!